Energy, power plants

The Greenergy Group founded in 2002 is an independent Hungarian energy company, the majority owner of which is KÉSZ Group since 2020. By acquisition of Greenergy we have entered also the field of energy and since then our scope of activities include - among others - renewing energy production and regulation of power plants in a virtual power plant system. Greenergy is linked to the activities of the members of KÉSZ Group in several points. Apart from the fact that in the case of our own investment projects we are capable to use even renewing energy resources and these solutions will assist also the sustainability and business compatibility of our partners.
The principal activity of the Greenergy Group is built on gas-driven electricity and thermal energy production. Using the technology, a great part, even 90 per cent of the generated heat can be utilized during electric energy production, so efficiency can be maximized. The heat generated in gas-driven power plants is sold directly to the local partners, district heating providers, public institutions and industrial facilities. Greenergy has established also its own trading company and virtual power plant system, which is capable to coordinate and manage several decentralized small power plants and to achieve the ""critical size"" in the aggregate, by which it is capable to take part successfully in system regulation with cogeneration power plants that are unique in Europe.
The company performs comprehensive operation and maintenance works for small power plants owned by Greenergy on the one hand and for gas-driven small power plants of external parties on the other. It is committed - from the beginning - to clean technologies, developing markets and sustainable environment. For the purposes of long-term sustainability, it focuses on environmental protection and green energy. By now the company operates also several wind power plants and solar power plants throughout the country. The group of companies has currently 24 gas-driven small power plants of 47 MW total capacity, 2 biomass heating plants of 8 MW total capacity, 3 wind power plants of 4.1 MW total capacity and 3 solar power plants of 14.5 MW capacity and it is responsible also for their operation.
As a dominant, stable market operator owing to its near 20-year experience, knowledge and established wide system of relations on the energy market, it resolved to extend its portfolio by a new service, utilizing its such resources. So from 2020 the company intended to assist its current and future customers as an independent energy market expert and procurement consultant. Accordingly, Greenergy Market Kft. provides complex procurement and consultancy services first of all to consumers with large electric or natural gas energy consumption.

Energy consultancy

Energy industrial system

Energy trade