Real estate management

The main task of the real estate management branch of KÉSZ Group is comprehensive management of the real estate portfolio owned by the Group and the real estate development companies including the following two missions: firstly it develops income-producing real estates through new investments and utilizes the existing real estate portfolio, secondly it supports the principal activities of the Group by real estate management and operation of the company's places of business.
Since the existence of our central organization, KÉSZ Ingatlan Kft. investment into real estate assets and their utilization have always been important goals for the company and - as a result - by now we have a real estate portfolio in a superstructure area of near 250,000 m2 in 5 countries and more than 30 settlements, in all (office, residential, industry-logistics, trade, accommodation) segments of the real estate market, supplemented by development areas of significant size.
KÉSZ Group started its real estate management activity in 1999 by purchasing KÉSZ Industrial Park in Kecskemét. The production hall accommodating Bundy Kft. engaged in the manufacture of refrigerator parts was built in Jászárokszállás in that year, as a rental-operation project, and it was extended later to 13,000 m2.
The first major real estate development project for trading purposes comprised the complex of buildings of KÉSZ Master Court-house/Office building consisting of three units: a two-storey department store, 2 four-storey office buildings and a car park - for the reinforced concrete structure of which KÉSZ was awarded by a Constructors' Masterwork Award - which is the central site of a Praktiker store and offices, and the Budapest offices of KÉSZ Group to this day.
The period between 2002-2006 is characterized by implementation of so-called PPP („public-private partnership”) projects that are of prominent importance also on the long run. The Tiszalök National Prison, the dormitory and educational center of the Budapest College of Technology (now University of Óbuda), the educational center of the Szombathely College (now ELTE - Eötvös Loránd University), and KÉSZ Arena Town Sports Hall in Kiskunfélegyháza were designed and constructed by KÉSZ Group, using bank financing, as its own investment project, for the purposes of letting it to the individual operators of the state sector and of operation.
The related operation services were provided by KÉSZ Ingatlan Kft's team, which included – among others – the organization of the work and training of prisoners in the Tiszalök Prison, their provisioning, clothing and operation of the Prison's vehicle fleet and the provision of certain health care services, in addition to technical operation of the building. At the end of the term the real estates were bought out in 2017 and 2021, closing so a period providing successful and prominent references.
From 2007 on numerous real estate have been purchased and developed in the management of KÉSZ Ingatlan Kft. and, accordingly, the operation portfolio has also been extended by buildings functioning as hotels, offices, residential and industrial buildings. Among these projects the Four Points by Sheraton Kecskemét Hotel & Conference Center opened in 2013 and the Hexagon Offices in Kolozsvár delivered in 2019 – which is a building constructed by innovative technical construction as a result of the change of function after take-over of a hospital project stopped previously in a turnkey condition with alternative architectural solutions, using renewing energy resources – have significant importance. It can be considered the flagship of our real estate development projects of an "A" category office building in an area (GLA) of 21,700 m2, with BREEAM Excellent qualification, with international tenants, operated with full capacity.
In the future introduction of energy efficient solutions and new technologies in the daily life are given larger emphasis than ever, so we lay a significant emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency initiatives, innovations, both in the field of operation and development. Our long-term goal is to implement development projects of the volume and yield meeting market and owners' requirements to the standard of the upper category of the market, both in Hungary and abroad, in both the residential and commercial segments.
- real estate development
- design
- project management
- project implementation
- letting
- facility operation
- energy management
- asset management
- investment
- sale and purchase

Real estate development

Asset Management

Property Management

Facility Management

Energy management